Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week 7- Virtual Tour Plan




1. Independence, Missouri

Make a list of rules of what can not be done and what should be done while on the trail. Also make consequences for your rules. This will be in the students Oregon Trail journals.

Independence Missouri in the 1800's

2.Ash Hollow, Nebraska

In their Oregon Trail journals, make an entry about what supplies your company is lacking. (In terms of wood, water, food, cattle, oxen, medicine, etc). Why are they lacking these things?

Ash Hollow hills- forestry, trees, and grass

3.Register Cliff, Wyoming

Each of the students will carve their names and/or a picture into one large piece of sandstone. Also write in their journals about why they would write their names on the rock while passing through.

Far away view of register cliff in summer

Close up of engravings

4. Flag Staff Hill, Oregon

The students will write in their Oregon Trail journals about what their favorite memories were and what their least favorite memories were on the trail. What were some of the hardships? What did they enjoy?

Picture of Flag Staff with wagon

5. Oregon City, Oregon

The students will write in their Oregon Trail journals about their feelings of finally getting there after having traveled 2,170 miles. How does it feel to be done? Was it worth it?

Picture of the end of the Oregon Trail

(url too long- click on picture to view url)

At each of these locations, they will view a picture as seen above. Along with these pictures will be a description of what the travelers might have done at these locations and what significance they might have. I will be using a path on Google Earth that goes through each of these locations and others (Independence, Missouri, Fort Kearny, Ash Hollow, Register Cliff, Scotts Bluff, Fort Laramie, Independence Rock, The Continental Divide, Fort Bridger, Three Island Crossing, Flag Staff Hill, Whitman Mission, Blue Mountain Segment, The Dalles, Barlow Pass, and Oregon City.) I will also use the polygon tool to highlight the specific locations the students stop at.

1 comment:

  1. You are way way way way creative!! Great job! Research for this must have taken a long time. 5th Graders will love it!
