I had to opportunity to view Amy's, Jenn's, and Gen's PowerPoint presentations. All of them did a great job at supporting their ideas with research. Some used direct quotes from researchers which helped support what they were saying. Amy mentioned that technology cannot replace human interactions, but it can be supplemental. I thought that this was a very good point- that hands-on manipulatives and oral conversations (and things of the sort) can not be completely replaced by technology- but through adding technology to these methods, the same objectives and standards can be not only met, but understood at a deeper level. Gen mentioned the fact that we need to be careful to watch for the implications in health that some technology may have. She suggested limiting screen time and choosing programs where the graphics are not overwhelming. This is always good to keep in mind, and something I didn't think about. Some children can spend hours in front of a computer, but too long of a period looking at a screen could be detrimental to their eyes, etc. This is a great thing to remember- to monitor the students' use of technology.
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